Be rich in emotion

John Piper writes:
"Many pastors are not known for expressing deep emotions. This seems to me especially true in relation to the profoundest theological realities. This is not good, because we ought to experience the deepest emotions about the deepest things. And we ought to speak often, and publicly, about what means most to us, IN A WAY THAT SHOWS ITS VALUE.
This... is a plea for deep feelings in worthy forms from God besotted hearts and minds." (Brothers we are not professionals, p149, emphasis mine)

He goes on: 'Let there be passion in the pulpit, passion in prayer and passion in conversation.'


  1. Looks like an really good book for any Christian. While I do sincerely 'get' the need to encourage pastors to this end, it is a somewhat of a shame that this book is written (or at least marketed) for this audience alone.
    This seems to me the type of thing that any Christian could benefit from, in whatever sphere of influence they find themselves in.

    Have you read it? What are your thoughts?


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