Dear God pleas make me meek...

Why is it that in 23 years of being a Christian I have only heard one sermon on the theme of meekness? This personality characteristic and 'Fruit of the Spirit' is totally overlooked and is so central to what God is doing in the life of every Christian.
Moses is described as meek above all other humans in Numbers 12, and Jesus Himself is described as meek in Matthew 11 and 2 Corinthians 10.
Have we so bought into the world's view of meekness that we now believe meek people are spineless walkovers, acting that way because they have no other choice - that meekness is the last resort of weak people?
Meekness is one of the fundamental ways that the Christian exercises spiritual power. Having a clear understanding of your spiritual bankruptcy before God, the depths of the consequences of your sin, and the poverty of your soul, you become keenly aware of the power of grace that is at work in your life, and the resources that are now at your disposal, the power of the God that you can call on as your are His dear child.
In Numbers 12 as Moses faces stinging criticism and jealousy from his brother and sister, it is God Himself who responds to the complainants in straight-talking judgement. As Jesus introduces meekness as a characteristic of New Covenant believers in Matthew 5 he says they shall inherit the earth. Those who receive nothing in this life, except belittling persecution and sneering at our 'foolishness', call on the name of the Lord for their hope and protection, and know that they will inherit everything from the Creator of the universe.
It is a mistake to exercise our spiritual power to line our own pockets or make our life easy, but it is equally a mistake to have at our disposal the full resources of the King of the Universe, and not exercise them in calling upon Him to protect His people, and spending our lives putting other's needs first.
Meekness is spiritual power exercised for another's benefit not our own. Meekness results in Christians becoming effective witnesses and leaders and missionaries.
Why don't you join me in praying 'Oh God, make me meek' ?


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