What else does Genesis teach us?

A few years ago I wrote this for a Bible Study for 11-14 year olds. It contradicts many of the assumptions and worldviews young people take for granted.

1. All things are made by God and are made good – even things we may be scared of like darkness or spiders or snakes.
2. It matters what we do in our world and with the creatures that live here. God said we could rule over the world but under Him, not rule over the world and ignore Him. We must have respect for our world and for every creature in it – even the ones we don’t like!
3. We are more valuable to God than animals are.
4. We have a different and better relationship to God than animals do.
5. All human beings are made in the image of God – racism, sexism and prejudice is wrong because we are all the same in God’s eyes.
6. The world is meant to function under God’s rule.
7. The reason things are bad is because the world has rebelled against God- the Bible calls this sin.
8. We wear clothes because we are sinful, not because they are trendy.
9. Sin upsets our relationship with God, but not His view of us – we are still His children and He is hurt when we do wrong things.
10. Death happens only as a result of sin. It’s a punishment for our rebellion against God.
11. God has promised to put an end to the problems and suffering in the world by beating Satan, and bringing the world to an end. This is known as judgement.
12. We will all face judgement and death because of our sin, but God has provided a way of coming through the judgement to eternal life, and that way is by trusting in Jesus.
13. We function better as people when men and women work together in unity, without winding each other up. Men cannot do without women and women cannot do without men.
14. The best way men and women work together is as an exclusive pair – one man married to one woman, excluding all others, until death.
15. Marriage is a blessing and needs to be celebrated.
16. Sex is great, and God created it great; Exploiting sex is wrong, sex not in a marriage relationship is wrong.
17. Children are one of God’s greatest gifts to human beings, because they remind us of Jesus.
18. The ideal for bringing up children is one father and one mother.
19. Eventually children grow up and leave home and parents and begin life as adults.
20. Whatever age you’re at you are still God’s child and still have to acknowledge that He is the creator of all things. One day you’ll meet Him – does He know who you are?


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