
A friend of mine was talking to his 11 yr old son and heard that he wanted to stop supporting Man Utd and transfer his allegiance to Man City. My friend's response was 'Not under my roof!'
This father was not threatening to throw his son out - he's not that kind of dad. He was simply saying that conversion is inconceivable. And he was serious.
As a young girl was returning from a weekend away where she had heard how Jesus had died for her, she was considering that she may turn to Him and become a Christian. As her mum picked her up the first thing she said in the car was "Mum, I want to become a Christian!"
A few days later I visited the family and sat on the sofa as her mum related the stotry to me. Her mum's response, with a gentle smile on her face, was to 'let her sleep on it and so forget it.' It wasn't going to happen to her daughter, not under her roof.

Are we approaching a time - or has it arrived - that people in general will actively stop their children 'becoming religious'? Is this one of those things that we now consider to be universally bad?


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